Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Young LRA rebel soldier on Guard in the Jungles of Garamba

Healing wounds

Evaline one of the young girls who had her face cut off by the LRA, Appears on the OPRAH show and is sent for sugery in the USA to reconfigure her face.

Exorcist strategy

Local Acholi Elder kills a Goat, so as to perform an evil spirit exorcist or self cleansing procedure on a Young Acholi girl who was an LRA rebel fighter since she was 11 years old. The girl experiences bouts of violence and attempted to kill her mother with weapons.

A Line Up of LRA Mid Ranking Field Commanders with Ranks of Captains and Luitenants. Names are Unknown.


Over 5 Women and 13 children were mowed down in a hail of Bullets by the UPDF (Uganda government soldiers). The Soldiers claimed that they Mistook the Women and Children for Rebels. Other Accounts of this Massacre claim that the women where killed by a hail of Bullets from a Uganda Government Gunship Helicopter, who using Night Vision, indiscriminately fired upon the women and their Children.

Caught up between the state and the rebels

A womans pleads with the Uganda Security forces in Lira. Begging them to stop shooting in the crowd. The Villages were rioting after a Massacre of over 250 People by the LRA. Barlonyo Massacre.The woman lost his son to the LRA and later lost a sister to the Government anti Riot Security Forces.
There is considerable anger and anguish amoungs the people. They accussed the Government of failure to protect them from the LRA. The after Math of the LRA attack caused farther retribution deaths to certain Acholi tribe members in lira. The LRA which is attributed to be an ACHOLI creation caused the people to avenge on any acholi who seemed to be linked to LRA. This farther created a divide between the people of Acholi and the Lango tribe in Lira. Very Sad and Tragic.

..........Like a donkey

A donkey takes a stroll in Mucwini IDP camp, northern Uganda.

Uganda is so tight that wanainchi have to work like a donkey do.

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