Monday, October 29, 2007

The struggle for health care

In Northern Uganda, the struggle for decent health care remains a dream. Wanainchi line up at a health facility in Mucwini.

Peering at the sky

Don't ask! Just watch and shut up.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Larger than life

Don't you just think i strike a "Larger than life" portrait? Don't mess with the bounty hunter!

The morning clouds

The morning clouds keep their blanket over the hills in Agoro an a typical morning.

Sight precision

From the shoulders of the hills, i couldn't lose out on this sight. The IDP camp from afar.

The trek

After climbing the mountains, i looked back and the view was absolutely captivating. What a background? I reckon this will become a tourist site in the post conflict era in Acholiland.


In our innocence, evil only prevails in the minds of the ones passing judgement. This belle is as innocent as yours truly, but you-the corrupt society, may think otherwise.


This belle had no idea about the eagle eye nature of my zoom lens. In a world where belles are as free as this, the hyenas of this world may conquer substantive territories like Leopold did in Zaire. However, thank God, Hyene is a theoretical as the kamulali itself.

Dangeroulsy seductive

In the valleys of Acholiland, where the cool rivers flow downhill from the Agoro mountains, the belles have not lost an inch of their seduction. I was mesmerised by belles swimming in knickers and leaving very little to imagination. This partcular one stood out with her well rounded boobs, or are they? The experts can let me know:

Back at last

Its been quite some time since my last up date, but am finally back from my escapades. And as usual, the pictures will tell the story of the hills and valleys that i traversed. Just flip thru my pages.

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